Nescafe House Blend - Instant Coffee Review

When I first discovered instant coffee, I had hardly any coffee experience. Mr. Brew and I had just moved to Texas, we didn’t have a ton of money, and Nescafe was only 99¢ for 6 cups of coffee. It wasn’t a bad deal in the slightest!

I grew to enjoy the ease and flavor of Nescafe. And when compared with other low cost instant coffee, they consistently had better flavor and higher quality. 

When it came time to go camping and backpacking last summer, I wanted to have Nescafe along. It was such a delicious treat to enjoy on the mountain tops as the sun rose over the lake. Not to mention it was easy to pack up, brew, and clean up.

After backpacking, I distinctly remember the pleasant depth that this coffee had that other instant coffee brands we tried lacked. I found other brands to be weak, bitter, tedious, and without any flavor or depth.

I have typically drank the French Roast or the Decaf packets, so I wanted to profile the House Blend for our month of Instant Coffee.

When brewed, it carries a typical aroma associated with instant coffee, one I would describe as kind of chalky. However, it isn’t unpleasant. The flavor of the House Blend is darker than what I would typically expect from a medium/light roast, with a hint of smoke at the back. Since it is instant coffee and has been dried out, you can taste that attribute, but it maintains a smooth and well-balanced flavor as well.

Although this is not my daily go-to anymore, I will always pack a box or a few packets along on camping and outdoor adventures. It is simple, tasteful, affordable, and low stress.

Try some Nescafe for your next adventure. Then let us know what you thought of it!


Mrs. Brew


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